martes, 21 de abril de 2020

Soluciones de Inglés

Good Morning! How are you today?

Os dejo las soluciones de Inglés para que podáis corregir vuestra tarea:

Reading "Teacher's week"
1.- On Wednesday.
2.-On Tuesday he/my teacher goes to the swimming pool in the afternoon.
3.-My teacher/he  goes to the cinema on Friday.
4.-On Sunday he reads a book and goes to his parent's house.
5.-He plays football on Saturday.
6.-On Monday morning José Manuel plays tennis after the school.

Repaso del verbo to Be

Activity 1
1.-No, we aren't in the park. We are in the party.
2.-No, Fred isn't the sixth year. Fred is the fifth year.
3.-No, the neighbours aren't old. The neighbours are young
4.-No, i am not a student. I am a pupil.
5.-No, Julia is not from Germany. Julia is from France.
6.-No, The skipping rope is not in the floor. The skipping rope is in the box.
7.-No it is not cloudy today. It is sunny today.

Activity 2
2.-am not
3.-are not
8.-is not

Activity 3
1.-George is not thirty.
2.-The Browns are not at home.
3.-I am not an architect.
4.-The cat is not black
5.-You are not Brazilian.

Good luck!😉😉

5 comentarios:

  1. Hola profeee.. Lo tengo todo bien! Un beso de Albertosi.

  2. Hola profe soy Carla he tenido todo bien. Un beso espero que estes muuuuuuuuy bien 😊.

  3. Hola profe. Me he liado con la actividad 1 pero la he vuelto a hacer y ya la tengo bien. Lo demás está todo bien

  4. Hola profe he estado repasando el verbo yo be con mi madre y estoy muy contento porque lo he tenido todo bien, un beso y espero que estés muy bien, ahhhvhe vuelto a jugar al juego que pusiste y he quedado segundoooo, que contento estoy

  5. Hola profe. Soy Miriam. Las actividades todas bien Os echo de menos a todos mucho. Un beso.
